Written by : Huria Kiran


Now, let me ask you a question, if you truly are committed to winning every

listing appointment, you go on, do you put yourself in a situation where you only talk to one of the decision-makers? Has there ever been a time in your career where you only talked to one? Ended up not getting the listing because you didn’t talk to the spouse or the other decision-maker?

That’s the cardinal sin, that’s a no-no. You want to make sure you talk to everybody that’s involved, and the big question is that value elicitation question, what’s important to you about the agent you choose to represent you. Essentially they’re going to answer the question, hey, when you show up, will you sell me this way? It’s that good, it’s that powerful. That’s number one.


So you’re pre-qualifying to find out what’s important to them,

what are their expectations, what are their desires? Do they want lots of print, do they want online? Do they not care about any of that stuff and they just want the result? You have to find out exactly what’s important to them, and then tailor-make that marketing proposal to match their needs and their criteria. So, you need to get a little less boilerplate and get a lot more customized.


When you’re presenting to the customer, and inside your marketing the proposal you can show them that you do things differently from everybody else in the market.

For example, I’m going to go in and say, well, the ideal buyer for this home is probably a newlywed couple, maybe they’ve got a child, maybe a child on the way, they’re buying this three-bedroom, two-bath colonial in the move-up part of town, out of a condo as an example, that person on Facebook, in my marketplace, there’s seventy-five hundred of them, or there’s fifteen thousand of them right here in our local marketplace.

And you can then say to Mr. and Mrs. Seller,

“I know the exact type of buyer because I’ve created an avatar based on who they are, and I’ve already done some research on Facebook to let you know, there’s thirty-one thousand of them, and the moment you list your home with me tonight, my marketing team and I are going to go back and run very specific strategic ads directly to them, driving them in their native world, Facebook, right back to your home. Is that the kind of marketing you’re looking for?”



Be on time, be early, and ultimately be in the right state. So, again, has there ever been a time where you showed up at a listing appointment and you were driving in your car and you’re totally late and you finally show up and you’re like, do I look okay?

Is that the kind of state that you want your brain surgeon to show up in, your attorney to show up in? I certainly don’t want my real estate professional to show up that way.

 I want you to show up with a swagger, with great energy, feeling good, having reviewed everything inside your pre-qualifications to know what my needs are. So you show up entirely for me, on time, ideally early, and in the right physical and emotional state to be of service, to help me, as the homeowner, achieve my goals. You know what I’m talking about.


Present your marketing, your track record, and your reviews first. Now, try on this little script. If I want to create a degree of separation, everybody wants to know one thing from you, what’s the value of my house, and then, how are you going to get there through marketing.

We believe you start with your marketing plan, your track record, your proof of success, and then all of your reviews on whichever sites you use, to this you say, this is how we do it better and more, and here are the numbers, here’s the data, here are the stats, online, offline, and all those great things, with check closes along the way. “Can you see that this is the kind of marketing that’s ultimately going to attract the right number of buyers to get the bidding war opportunity you desire, Mr. and Mrs. Seller? Of course, you do.” When they say yes, you know what happened, they just said yes to you.

They said yes to listing with you.

Then you show them your track record, saying we’ve sold so many homes already in this area, me, my team, our group, our company. Social proof is always good. And then reviews here’s what other people are saying. Now, of course, we know what they want to do, they want to talk about price.

And one of the greatest lines you can ever say is, “Mr. and Mrs. Seller, I know you guys want me to get your price. But understand, you’re hiring me to market and negotiate the best possible transaction for you.”


You want to present a three-price strategy. Now, you might alter the language a little bit, but consider this, the average agent walks in and says, here are the comps, here’s what’s sold, here’s what’s pending, and here’s what’s going on, right. And that’s okay it’s what we’ve always done, but you’re different, you’re a gamer. So you’ve got to have degrees of separation, she was the only one that gave us the three prices versus everybody else gave us one, so consider, are you ready? “Mr. and Mrs.

Seller, we have to decide tonight in the marketing of your property when we unveil the home and do everything we’re going to do, to have the world see your house. Most importantly, the fifteen thousand avatars that I showed you on Facebook, we have to decide what pricing strategy we’re going to choose to get you the highest possible sale for your home.”

So, number one is, the bidding war or frenzied price strategy, and this is where we know homes are selling at a price range of X, or a per square footage of Y, and, we just price it slightly below that, and then guess what happens? I turn on the marketing and everybody goes, oh my goodness, it’s a deal. “Mr. and Mrs. Seller, generally speaking, when people think there’s a deal and they hear that there are multiple buyers writing offers on this property, what do you think happens to the price? Exactly.

Well, option number two, is we go right at fair market value and we simply look at the comps and we see the price trends, and we price it perfectly, and those properties sell in this market very quickly as well. And then obviously, you might say to me, but Tom, we’re really looking for you to find the needle in the haystack.”


You got to earn your fees. This is where we’ve seen tens of thousands of agents, in North America, and for my European clients, you guys know it’s a little bit different, my Australian clients, you guys know it’s different too.

But, in North America, there’s this compression of commissions happening every single day. And yet, great people like you say, wait a minute, if I can’t negotiate my own fees, how can I negotiate the final sales price for them? I’ve got to be stronger, so I’ve got to present a better case, I’ve got to show my value.

So, what do you do? You create the upside-down pyramid and you say, “Mr. and Mrs. Seller, when we’re deciding on commission, you’ve got to look at two different numbers.

First, there’s the side that the agent that lists the home who’s going to spend all of the money and the time and the energy marketing and servicing the property, what do they charge? We charge three percent, and we do all of this marketing, and we have to decide tonight, what would you like to offer to the buy-side?”

And at this point, because they probably have never seen this before, they’re going to scratch their head and say, well what do you recommend? We were kind of thinking five percent. How does that work? What if we only offer two over here?


Long gone are the days where realtors had to face troubles and inconveniences when marketing their business. The invention of several technologies has made life easier for realtors. Optimizing these inventions can save a lot of time and energy, which in the long run increases productivity.

According to Quick Real Estate Statistics the top 3 tech tools that have given the highest quality of leads: social media at 47%, MLS site at 32%, brokerage's website, and listing aggregator site, both at 29%.

This tech tool list includes ProofHub (Task management), Fieldnotes.ai (CRM), Box Brownie (Virtual staging & Image enhancement), Canva (DIY marketing collateral), CHIME (Lead generation), Matterport (3D virtual tours), MailChimp (Newsletters and ads) and DocuSign (Transaction management)

What happens? And you might want to say to them, “Well, again, the bigger the funnel, the more potential buyers, and most importantly, agents that might be working with those buyers, they’re going to see your property.”

“So, if the MLS says three percent, it’s going to elicit a certain emotional response for all those agents when they’re looking inside the MLS at your home versus showing another one where two point seven five, or two and a half, or two, might elicit a different response. So it’s three percent, what would you like to offer the other side?”

What I really want to stress to you is the same thing I stress to all of our coaching clients, what are you going to charge? You have to value your fees and make sure you’re getting what you want to run your business profitably, make it make sense for you, do all the things that you need to do, and make the profits you deserve for taking on the risk that you take. So, you can spend a lot of time on this one, and I certainly encourage you to do so.


If you don’t get the listing, what are you going to do in terms of follow-up? My recommendation is, to give them an assignment. “Look, I know that you guys are considering, you’re talking to other agents, I just want to encourage you, I want to remind you, go to pull up my reviews, and then go to any other agent you’re talking to and considering, and read their reviews.

Because at the end of the day, if you have a choice between a great brain surgeon, someone that does it all day, every day, and has a big track record of success, and someone else that maybe is just getting started, or somebody else that maybe doesn’t have reviews, even if you don’t like me as much, you might realize who you work with really matters.


Nothing makes sellers feel more confident about hiring you than showing them you’ve got a plan to market their home, make more money, and make it easy for them.

We’ve discovered that consistently delivering a pre-listing launch plan to sellers means more signed listing agreements.

In any market conditions.

Its purpose is to deliver trust in advance and to position you as the listing agent of choice for sellers in your local market.

It’s the key to getting and winning more listing appointments and walking out with more signed listing agreements.

Pre-Listing Packet will increase their confidence...and yours! It includes 2 strategic Emails & some videos to position you as an expert, this will not only build trust but will also save 45 min of your time while you are at your listing appointment.


Once a week, I'll send you tip, hack, or strategy that will help you market your business and close more deals!

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