Written by : Huria Kiran

The field of real estate requires hard work, consistency, and persistence like any other line of work. You are the salesperson in the real estate business and you have to sell. Selling requires one to be extremely dedicated to the job. It requires consistency and competency.

What makes a salesperson competent is the honesty, dedication, and integrity one gives to his/her job. Your word represents your credibility. If you commit to doing a particular task to your client or let alone yourself and don’t follow through; you are not only underperforming and letting yourself down but you are also sending out a clear message to your clients that YOU CANNOT BE TRUSTED!

Following up means business!

I cannot stress this enough that, “MONEY IS IN THE FOLLOW-UP”. You need to get back to your clients or your potential clients when you tell them that you will get back to them. Your clients need to know that you are fully invested in your job and in getting them the best deal out there. You are no joke, your work is no joke and your word is definitely no joke. You are serious and you are the best deal they can get out there.

This is the trust that you as a real estate expert need to develop among yourself and your clients. When you win over a client, you just don’t close on a one time deal but also close down on a loyal client who will keep on coming back to you and will probably also get you, other clients, through the positive word of mouth (and that is exactly what is needed because money is indeed in the follow-up)!

Are follow-ups really needed?

Most of the people I know seem to struggle with follow-up. They think following up with potential clients again and again may seem like invading their space or disturbing them. But that is not the case.

Effective, efficient, tactical, and persistent follow-ups are NEEDED if you wish to make money. Here is a list of how you can carry out smooth follow-ups that don’t seem like a rush, appear to be very naturally needed, and will help you close in on that all-important deal!

How to follow up!

1) Ask permission to follow-up: This is the first and the most important tip to carry a smooth follow-up. Don’t arrive unannounced. When the meeting with the client is about to end, make sure to politely but confidently ask them about the right way and the right time to contact them.

Ask them if they are more comfortable with email follow-ups, a reminder message or they would prefer a call. Doing this will not make you look pushy and when you commit to a follow-up; ALWAYS MAKE SURE THAT YOU COME THROUGH!

2) Don’t be too busy for follow-ups: When you are chasing a client to close a deal and to convince them you need to appear like you are really invested in getting them the best deal. Don’t make your follow-ups a rush or something that you would do half-heartedly. Make sure that your follow-ups are clear, interesting, and convincing. Manage your time accordingly and GIVE TIME to follow-ups.

3) Follow-up just not to make money: I have never seen real estate experts emphasizing this enough. But this point is the heart of making money. What you need to understand is that follow-ups are done not just for closing deals convincing the current clients. You need to stay in touch with ALL your clients, provide them with feedback and ins and outs of the real estate world and inform them of the best deals on the block.

This makes you the perfect agent WHO STILL CARES. Provide them value no matter what.

4) Know your limits: Just like you are busy and you take out time t to follow up, your clients are busy people too. Maybe it is not the right time for them to have a conversation with you or leave a reply. Although persistence is the key to a successful real-estate business; you should also always know how much is too much and when do you need to step away!

5) Be informed: When I say that money is in the follow-up what I mean is for you to understand that follow-ups are the real deal. They need to be convincing and strong. A lame, half-hearted and lousy follow-up will only get you the same reply. Use data, do your research, and follow up with a bang!

A Bonus Tip: Connect on Social: Connect with on Social & always put valuable good content on your Social media platforms.

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